Thursday, December 29, 2005

New Year's Resolutions

New Year Resolutions... Yes I know this is a tired old cliché but we all do it so here are some of mine for the New Year. I'm not sure why I am posting this list except that maybe by posting it I'll be more likely to follow through with these. If there's one thing I can count on it's being reminded of this list when I'm slacking...
  1. Make it out of Iraq safe and sound, in one piece with all of my original body parts intact so that I can bore all of you in person rather then through this Blog site.
  2. Be a better brother. What I mean is I'd like to be more present in my brother and sister's lives. The older I get the more I realize they are really cool people and how important family is.
  3. Be a better Uncle to my 3 favorite nephews and my favorite niece. I need to make a greater effort to show them "Uncle Mike" is proud of them and that I think they're great kids.
  4. Be a better friend. I need to see my friends more often then I do. It seems like I'm always making an excuse to opt out of a night out with my buds.
  5. Seek to be as honest as possible all of the time. I believe this serves us more then any other approach. Even if the truth hurts a bit.
  6. Get my stupid back left molar crowned once and for all. Stupid molar...
  7. Give a little more to charity then I do now, especially give my time if I can find a way to do it. I am keenly aware that I spend more time complaining about the way things are then I do helping to fix things. Maybe I should put my body where my mouth is.
  8. Speaking of my body... I want to get in better shape. God knows there's plenty of room for improvement.
  9. Learn to play the guitar (the first 9 times I started don't count)
  10. Eat healthier and better food; ok, that can include better coffee and better beer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, there, Mike!

I'm pretty much a random browser of profiles/blogs, and I happened across your profile to see your blogspot.

I also ran through the slough of pics that you posted immediately before (after?) New Year's Resolution", and found myself looking back at candid living in Iraq. The memory of my VERY brief time there came back to me, and in a good way.

I do hope that you meet the expectations you put down for yourself, as I also wish you home, safe, sound, healthy and whole. There may be room for improvement, but you are delightfully well-put together, from your mind to your body-- and seemingly your soul.

I know. Cheesy, huh?

Feel free to look me up under "robinrookfellow" on AOL. I, too, have a blog, but it's on livejournal, and I'm not certain you'll be able to look it up in the desert unless they've removed all restrictions from the PCs on your end.

Take care. I do hope to hear from you.
