It's that time of year again when all practicing Muslims stop eating for a month. Well almost, they get to eat a bit late in the evening. Of course I eat at my desk a lot when I'm not out on the road because I work some crazy hours. So for the next month I have to be very discrete about it, in fact I actually have to try and hide it. So I've mastered the ability of stealthy consumption. I keep one of my desk drawers open with my food on a plate inside it and just before every bite I quickly scan the room for locals. If it's clear I eat. Fun stuff...
To make this holy time even more special there is a huge increase of attacks expected during this month on the Forward Operating Base (FOB) where I am based when not moving remotely. As everyone knows the only way a good terrorist can enter their version of nirvana is to at least make a valiant effort to slaughter as many gringos as one can.
I may be generalizing here - just a bit. But every time I hear another suicide bomb detonate at check point 2 (a half a click from my me) followed by hundreds of rounds of assault riffle fire it tends to reinforce the pettiness in me.
Of course one of the cleaning ladies just came over and gave me the phone number to her house because she wants me to call sometime and speak with her children who are trying to learn English. In a flash I realize how easy I let myself slip into such a limited and hostile perspective and I am reminded that most of the people here are VERY good people who are trying to make a better life for themselves and they would never advocate hurting anyone in the process.
Ramadan On...