I have to admit, there’s no way to sugarcoat this one. I was at the gym last night around 11:30 when we were attacked. While I was on the treadmill running like a madman there was a massive explosive noise that seemed to come from the ground below my feet. Ceiling tiles, lights, insulation came crashing down and weights went flying off the racks. I hit the deck, small arms fire started going off and as soon as there was a break in the action I bolted for a bunker. Later I discovered a mortar round impacted the gym about 12 feet away from me but it didn’t explode, probably due to a bad fuse. We’re talking about a facility that is little more then a single-wide trailer, not a building. If it had exploded I would not be here now.
Fortunately these extremely close calls don’t happen often but it made for a hell of a workout.
Maybe this will reduce the amount of people in the gym.

My official Statement...